Thursday, April 29, 2004

Ominous parallels

“I did not have sexual relations with that woman” & “I do not own an SUV

Yes you did and yes you do. In both cases you had/have more than one. Have these two clowns got the same media advisor?

Treasury report

"..without taking into account other welfare implications, a flat tax rate would likely have the greatest impact on economic growth."

Of course this will get ignored again! C'mon NZ lets sack these moochers!

And it was done

Labour the benevolent looked down from upon high and found its worshippers restless. The infidel Brash had tried to woo the faithful away from 'Labour the generous'. To teach it's followers a lesson 'Labour the merciful' dictated to its disciples "“find in my flock those who are ill and I will make them better, let those who question me die"” and so the flock was taught a lesson.

The disciples reported back to 'Labour the compassionate', "the people still seek enlightenment elsewhere, they openly invite the infidel." Labour the compassionate, looked displeased that the peoples not learnt of its benign magnificence. “I shall reward those who flock to my house” decreed 'Labour the giving'. And to those who sheltered beneath Labour's bosom was given Sky Digital with the sky sport and movie max

Now that Labour has looted 6 billion from us to fund its up coming election campaign expect more of this. Watch this space!

Wednesday, April 28, 2004

Shameless plug 2

Love interest's other new project starts this weekend. If you haven't got a ticket why not, if you have, enjoy!

"A Hamas suicide bomber blew up two armed Palestinians who tried to rob him at gun point in the Gaza Strip."

Is this a case for two for the price of one? Or dumb and dummer? Or, One night out stealing? All I can say that's 3 more off the list, keep up the good work.
Why doesn't TV report this stuff

I have been attempting to watch the evening news to catch the latest scoop on the oil for food corruption at the UN - nothing. How a British labour MP a confirmed sadomite with hankerings for the old soviet days (funny how commies and their mates have seaside palaces- I refer to Mr. Galloway's Spanish retreat) was up to his cuticles in Iraqi grease continues to support the old regime and now is exposed in captured Iraqi documents as having received oil credits for his support - nixt. Or how Kofe Anan's son was running the company that siphoned millions from the oil food transactions - nada

So what does television in New Zealand focus on? Well the usual stuff ‘Quagmire’, 'Death of innocents', 'misunderstood martyrs', 'abnormally wooly sheep.' Last nights pictures of an 'angry crowd' in Iraq consisted of 4 people, with the camera positioned at a low angle, obviously the rent-a-crowd people couldn't get enough militant youths in time. So I'm going to change my news source, and I think that these guys are it. At least they are funny to boot. You should also check out the human interest sections.

Tuesday, April 27, 2004

Well its about time

Finally Wellington is going to get the by-pass. Saturday afternoons will be so much better without having to negotiate all the hippies diving their jalopies to common sense organics.

Now lets extend the airport runway, free up Mount Crawford for development, put another 30,000 seats on the stadium, build a road tunnel through the Rimutakas & the second tunnel through mount vic, smash through transmission gully, wind farm Makara and develop the waterfront with the highest bidders money! Lets make Wellington finally the Capital city!
Go read the whole thing

When in the course of human affairs it becomes necessary for citizens to break the political chains that have hitherto bound them, and to reclaim the individual sovereignty which is their birthright, it can be opportune for them to declare the causes which have impelled them to self-liberation. We, the freedom-loving citizens of New Zealand, choose to do so at this epoch-making moment.

NZ Declaration of independence

Sunday, April 25, 2004

Keep your hands on your wallets boys

Whenever someone says that they would be happy to pay more tax for health or education warning bells start to ring. “Here’s another social do-gooder that has never done a single economics paper in their life!” What really annoys me about this mentality is that people actually think that the guvament can actually provide them with the services that they require. Now, I along with everyone believe that doctors, hospitals and all that kind of stuff is a good idea, where else would the writers of Shortland street, Scrubs and ER get their ideas from? All that would be on TV would be crime dramas and reality TV shows about being stuck on a dessert island while remodelling the kitchen. But seriously what do people actually think when the say “my extra tax should go to the health system.” The end result will not be more health, it will be more guvament!

In NZ we have 21 District Health Boards for a population of 4 million. Break each DHB down and you will find that they all have a board of directors, a vast raft of hanger on-ers trying to write policy papers about “appropriate health outcomes for disadvantaged health consumers” and not too mention the cultural consulting team. A quick comparison across the ditch shows us that the state of Queensland has a population the same size as New Zealand’s yet they have one organisation delivering health services. 21 verses 1, you would think NZ would have some of the healthiest people in the world, but we don’t.

If the guvament threw more money into the health system there would be more policy analysts, directors and hui’s swallowing up all the extra cash. They would probably spend most of their time trying to work out how to spend all the extra money, not on how to build more operating theatres to perform hip replacements. There won’t be a sudden increase in the number of doctors; it takes along time to learn how to perform a hip operation, if you can keep them in the country once qualified. (We could register some of those immigrant doctors who are currently driving our cabs – but that’s another posting) Throwing more money at the health system won’t get the results expected.

Here is an idea, take an economics lesson, ignore the guvament, keep your money in your own pocket and buy some health insurance!

Wednesday, April 21, 2004

Maori activists engage Army, civil war?

Mr mare looks no more Maori than the average swarthy European however claims and acts as the executor off all things Maori. In this mornings dompost he claims that his lot kicked an army unit from a Wanganui beach.
"We've taken a clear stance. We see it (the Government's plans) as straight theft and confiscation and we'll defend our lands as we see fit"
Does this mean that there will be active engagement on the part of the activists against the military again if they are caught "without permission." So civilians challenging military. Does Mr Mare and his band of merry men have the means to do so? And if so does the term 'activist' get replaced with enema of the people or even terrorist?

To the Senior Officer in charge of any army unit in the area of the terrorist occupation forces, next time challenged return fire!

Monday, April 19, 2004

Know that!

Between September 11, 2001 and April 15, 2004, Islamic terrorists killed at least 7,085 people and wounded 10,132 in 393 attacks around the world, according to Dutch newspaper NRC Handelsblad.

via Tim Blair

Saturday, April 17, 2004

Helen never would have allowed it

Michael Totten, over at tech central, sights little old New Zealand as part of the coalition of the willing, if push came to shove.

"Look at America's relationships to New Zealand and Indonesia. New Zealand is not a part of the coalition of the willing in Iraq. We never expected New Zealand's help. We never asked for New Zealand's permission to depose Saddam Hussein"

Luckily the US never relied on NZ’s permission or anyone’s for that matter. Hels’s quote that the invasion of Iraq would never have “..occurred if Al Gore was president” was part of the whole UN legitimacy thing.

But are we not part of the coalition of the willing already?. As always in politics you can say one thing and do another. For all the talk about a UN sanctioned mandate NZ military forces are working along side the coalition in Iraq and Afghanistan. The 61 military personnel in Iraq, at the moment, maybe comprised largely of engineers, but the SAS in Afghanistan aren’t there to fix the water supply. Furthermore I wonder what our old Skyhawk pilots are doing? The last time I checked Jaguars and Harriers weren’t being used to deliver relief supplies to Niue. So Hels’s, are we or aren’t we? And does our involvement make us a target for civilian kidnappings in Iraq? Will these guys think that we are a legitimate target? When can we send in our crack TradeNZ boys?

It’s not that I don’t support our countries involvement in the war on terror. But when I talk to people about Iraq etc. it’s met with the usual comments about “Quagmire”, another Vietnam and a Hitler/Bush comparison. And if they are particularly loopy like Alliance voters, words like “JOOOS” and “OOOOIL” are thrown in for good measure. Are they oblivious that we are already there or has the spin pulled the proverbial wool over the sheeple’s eyes?

Anywho, to our guys in harms way, stay safe and make us proud.
Shameless plug

Love interest’s new project was on TV last night and I thought it was GREAT. Even the daily hysteria thought so. But what’s eating the dom post? “…dying of bordom...” Oh please it’s better than usual home renovation reality TV shows that TVNZ throws out to satisfy the Kiwi content quota.

Go darling your my star!!!

Thursday, April 15, 2004

In the beginning...

I have decided to start bloging mainly because most of my friends, colleagues and family are probably now getting sick of my emails, saying "see I told you so" or "I told you he/she was crap." So the aim of this blog is to keep track of stuff that I find important, interesting and downright useful. I will refrain from sending emails in the hope that you will all come here out of choice rather than in some form of mailbox clean up. Having said that I would like to spell out my editorial policy.

1. The standards of spelling and grammar for the English language will be adhered to where applicable. Therefore I am giving my self the opt out clauses of a) I was drunk while typing; b) I have unwieldy chipolatas at the end of my palms; or c) I didn't know the relevant grammatical/spelling rule applied;

2. Where possible I will bait stooooopid people. You will be baited in the following cases; i) Voted for any political party that I do not approve of. Approved list will become apparent during postings; ii) You have/do/or will spell America with a 'k' iii) Believe that the sole driver behind US foreign policy is OOOOOOOIIIIIL!!!!; iv) Believe that the P.L.O. is a freedom movement and that the JOOOOOOOOOWish state has no right to exist, that includes you Hasidics; v) Support the arse; vi) Support any form of 'Left' government policy, we can also throw in some 'right' policy as well; vi) Rate ‘bowling for columbine’ as a deep movie, think Nome Chomp-ski should NOT go live in North Korea and has a paid subscription to Greenpeace.

The aim of this point is to wrangle any last shred of liberty from your soul so that we can have a beer (without tax) in a smoky bar and remain friends.

3. I will attempt to not blog purely about politics. But as the disposable heroes of hypocrisy said "If ever I would stop thinking about music and politics" Where applicable I will comment on the latest quaffing special, what goads me about Spurs/Hurricanes/NZ Cricket team and I will always be plugging love interest's latest endeavors.

4. Blogging will be frequent and sporadic.

Now that the ground rules have been laid out in my own particular way I will apply them as I see fit. Hypocrisy is the greatest luxury someone once said, did I say in my editorial that I will plagiarism where I see fit? So, you take the blue pill and the story ends. You wake in your bed and you believe whatever you want to believe. You take the red pill and you stay in Wonderland and I show you how deep the rabbit-hole goes. Remember that all I am offering is the truth. Nothing more. Follow me.
Its alive!!!