Monday, September 27, 2004

Hypocritical peaceniks

I need not say anymore

But that was just it. He fought. And he fought. And he fought. He worshipped war. It would cause one to wonder why American "pacifists" would sport Che shirts and banners ... if one didn't realize that such pacifists, especially college kids, were historically ignorant.

Read the rest here and here.

Wednesday, September 15, 2004

Worried? Only for my wallet.

The subscript to the headline in the Dominion this morning suggests that we should be worried about the economic affects of el nino in the next few years. So it will get warmer, dryer, wetter and colder all at the same time. The problem that I see is the green panderers will charge ahead and implement the Kyoto protocol. To which I will say "WHY!” to which they will say "NZ has to do its part to stop Global Warming!" It's at that point that I purposely take my 6ltr 4x4 and run repeatedly over some rare tussock.

Global warming myths much to the Medias overlooking have been debunked in recent studies but let’s not let facts get in the way of great emotional stories.

Just a few points from a recent seminar quoted at SEPP
  1. World Temperatures do not follow CO2 levels and indeed the warmest periods in the last 2,000 years were the Roman period and the Medieval period which were both warmer than present and had lower CO2 levels {various speakers - William Kininmonth Australian Climate Research}.
  1. Solar particles decisively affect World temperatures. There is a much better correlation between world temperatures and particles than with CO2 levels {Piers Corbyn, Weather Action, London}.
  1. There is no significant Sea level rise - in particular the Maldives are in no danger of submergence {Prof Nils-Axel Morner, Stockholm University}.
  1. There is no climate induced increased danger of tropical diseases, e.g. malaria, since it is not itself a tropical disease - having being prevalent in Russia and Britain at various times. {Paul Reiter, Pasteur Institute Paris}.
  1. There is no discernible link between Global warming & Extreme weather. Indeed the British Govt delegation specifically said they did not claim any increase in storms due to man-made CO2. {Madhav L Khandekar, consulting meteorologist, Ontario, Canada}.

Loonies the lot of them obviously!