Thursday, April 28, 2005

Wednesday, April 20, 2005

As you were

So an ultra-conservative ex-Hitler youth member (we are assured not an enthusiastic member) has been elected as pope on the day of Hitler’s birthday. Conspiracy? Co-incidence? I can feel a Mike Moore movie about to be made – oh that’s right president Bush is Hitler.

For Catholics then its even tighter doctrinarian rules and ridiculous situations. Aids will continue to spread in Africa, killing off the catholic churches largest support base – the irony is no lost on me there. And let’s not mention the kiddie fiddling, oh that’s right we weren’t.

Good luck to them, the pope is dead, long live the pope

Monday, April 11, 2005


IM: Is it true you're a lesbian?

HC: Heavens, no. It's obvious I'm asexual. That's why I married Peter. Well, actually I married Peter because I was standing for Parliament for the first time and the party bosses told me I would get more votes if I was married. I also started going to church around that time but thankfully I don't need to keep up that pretence any more. Ugh. Anyway, we've done focus groups that show men don't like voting for women, and women don't like voting for men. So that explains why I'm so popular.

Read the whole thing

Wednesday, April 06, 2005

"I believe in the atmosphere" as well

*CO2 is increasing largely as a result of fossil-fuel burning
*CO2 is a greenhouse gas
*ergo: There must be SOME global ATMOSPHERIC warming -- ALL OTHER
*But the most reliable data do not show any appreciable atmospheric warming.
*Climate models do.
*Whom should we believe? The atmosphere or the models?
*Many scientists believe in models and think there must be something wrong with the observations. Other scientists believe the atmospheric data and think models have left out some important negative feedbacks.
* I believe in the atmosphere.

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